Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Nalini's recall

email from Nalini:-

Here's a better shot! We loved visiting the Minneriya elephants too! Have seen get-togethers of over 300 sometimes with loads of babies!
One evening driving back on the main road we were surrounded by elephants on both sides of the road - that was really scary!
Another time a huge elephant stood across the road with his trunk up (to say STOP!) and as we watched a herd of about 20 crossed the road behind him - that was superb.
When the last one passed the the Protector lowered his trunk and walked away! I can't remember whether it was male or female. Daya would definitely have remembered!

On Tue, 13 Aug 2024 at 05:34, Philip Veerasingam <pveerasingam632@gmail.com> wrote:
What lovely photos and what exciting recall of these incidents.
I am posting this in our batch blog.

Philip Veerasingam

7:33 AM (2 minutes ago)

Thanks! I'm very proud of that shot - I took it!
I live on all the wonderful memories of 55 great years together!

daya & nalini rodrigo

7:37 AM (21 minutes ago)

to me

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel