Saturday, July 20, 2024

The squirrel who scolded a flower pot.

             Squirrels are a joy to watch in the garden, they gambol about jumping from branch to branch. They have a lot of curiosity and investigative capability. They seem to like order in their life, as the following incident shows.

            One afternoon at about 4 pm, I heard a squirrel shrieking in alarm. Yes, one can distinguish their signal of alarm very easily. The squirrels and the yellow beaked babblers, help each other in alerting for danger. The usual danger posed was the cat which would stay still, in a position of stalking its prey. We hate cats and do not have one in the house. A neighbor's cat usually stalks prey in our garden. On hearing the alarm call from the squirrel, I thought the ginger haired cat was about. I went out to investigate. There was no sign of a cat.



            I saw the squirrel on a branch of a mango tree, scolding all and sundry. You can see its pose, as he did this, on the photo above You can see his mouth open and the body lying very close to the bark of the tree with its tail swishing in what I would name 'challenge mode'. I could find no reason for the alarm. When I discussed this with my wife, she showed me a new flower pot that she had suspended close to that branch in the morning. It must have noted the difference in the general layout of the land and was raising the alarm. How perceptive it must have been to spot the difference in the layout in its territory

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel