Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Qye Sera, Sera, by Doris Day.

 One of our all-time favourite songs from the 1950s.

Email from Nana :-

Thank you Philip for sharing the video clip by Doris Day & a copy of the group photo of our last batch get together in 2018.

I hope you & Ramya are keeping well & remain alert & happy.

I also wish our batch mates who are with us will also share any updates - good or bad so that we can still keep in contact.

We cannot stop getting old & we may be unfortunate to lose some of our mental & physical faculties.

That is nature and feeling sad does not stop the natural process

Cheer up & share your kind thoughts & good wishes.

Christmas is round the corner & I wish all our batch mates who are still around, a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2024.

Please share these thoughts amongst your batchmates if you can.


C.S. Nanayakkara 

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel