Friday, February 2, 2024

Thoughts on living, Ramana Maharishi and Saint Yogaswamy.



1.    I am nearing 84 years now. Some of my thoughts on living, which has helped me. I  hope this helps others.:-


ramana maharshi eyes of grace
Shri Ramana Maharishi of Thiruvannamalai, South India.
He was well known in South India. Paul Brunton authored a book titled " A trip in secret India", in which he described an audience with Ramana. This made his name among the westerners.
Please click on the following weblink to know more about Ramana Maharishi :-

Yogaswami - the Sage from Jaffna, Eelam
Saint Yogaswamy of Nallur, Jaffna, Sri Lanka

He was working under the British during the Colonial times. He was led to meet his Guru 'Chellappa Swamigal" at the Nallaur Temple. This made him to abandon his sedate life and follow his Guru. Later Saint Yogaswamy had his own followers. Lord Soulbury, the Governor of Ceylon had a son who became his disciple. Lord Soulbury came to interview Sain Yogaswamy to try and get his son away from Yogaswamy. Yogaswamy convinced Lord Soulbury to let his son, follow his own chosen path.

Please click on the following weblink to learn more about Saint Yogaswamy:- -


My memories of teachings of two Siddhas, one in Thiruvannamalai, South India and the other from Nallur Jaffna. Both passed away decades ago. I never met them. Writings about them, guided me in my  life.

a.       ‘Eppavo mudintha kaariyam’ Thamil.------

 The life that you lived so far and what you are going to live in the future, was already planned, on your accumillated past Karma (before your birth.)

                         "The Moving Finger writes; and having writ,

                          Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit

                          Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

                          Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it. - 

                                                  " The Rubayyat' of Omar Khayyam"


b.       ‘Oru pollaappum illai’ Thamil

There is no harm befalling you.

You are steadily progressing towards your liberation, paying the debts of your past good and bad deeds.


'Ye are not bound! the Soul of Things is sweet

 The Heart of Being is celestial rest;

Stronger than woe is will; that which was Good

Doth pass to Better - Best"   

                        Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold


c.       Summa iru’  Thamil

Be still in your thoughts and deeds.

Be detached. Do not interfere arbitaririly in the destiny already shaped for you.The advice given by a Zen teacher. You must be like a drop of water in a stream and follow it deownstream. You must not swim arbitrarily in the water.

The following additional advice was given to me, by a spiritually advanced person, a retired medical officer in his 80s, living alone in Valaichchenai, Sri Lanka. :-

d.    'Thottukondey iru’ Thamil

Be always in touch with your spiritual guide, mentally.

This refers to the image of your life's spiritual guide, that you build in your mind. It could be The Saakyamuni, Jesus, The Prophet Mohamed or any of the 'Ichcha Dewathas' of Hinduism.

The term 'upavaasa' means, to live next to one's Guru. This could be in thought word or deed. You will then not stray from the good path in life. Your Guru will guide you in your thoughts and deeds.


Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel