Monday, September 11, 2023

Obituary - Harry de Sayra OAM - Husband of Imelda.

Harry de Sayrah OAM (86) passed away on September 11, 2023 in Sydney, Australia.

Beloved husband of Dr. Imelda de Sayrah, father of Shehan and Dilhara. Brother of Freddie and Anoma.

Harry was a race horse owner in Ceylon. He was honored with the title of OAM in Australia.

He was President of the Lions Club in Ceylon and Australia.

A proud Old Joe! VR the SJC!


Nihal S. Gooneratne

Hi Philip/Charith

                           Do you have Imelda’s E-mail add. Can you please copy it to me.

FYI, she lost her husband on Sep 11th. (see below)

Thank you



2:23 AM (8 hours ago)
to M.G.SLalithaNihalme

Thanks Nihal

Imelda did keep in touch & also got the sad news about Harry.

I did send my sympathies & will call her when she is less engaged .

44 Duffy Avenue 
Sydney 2120 NSW

Her email:


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2023, at 9:37 PM, Nihal S. Gooneratne <> wrote:

Imelda, The Batch grieves at your loss. May the happy memories remain with you and sustain you in your loss.

My Rowdy friends by Derryck de Silva



1. Derryk's contribution.. 

Postscript by Philip –

We were waiting at the Habarana Hotel to receive our batch mates, coming by the luxury buses arranged to transport our batch-mates and their families, from Colombo to Habarana, for our 50th anniversary reunion of entrance to the Medical College.. The first one to jump out of the first  bus, as it pulled in was Derryk saying laughing loudly and saying for all to hear, ‘Machan, the seats were over booked, I volunteered to have my wife sitting on my lap, all the  way from Colombo to Habarana’.

Playing 'Cricket'


Should get more than one laugh from you all.

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel