Saturday, September 23, 2023

Annunciation Zarathustra + Wedding March + Ave Maria I Exciting Entrance of the Bride Raíssa Wedding

Beautiful to look at and lovely music to hear. Please click on the web-link below :-

Dr. Ernie Peiris Consultant Physician and the 'thrill'.

 ‘Ernie’, to the medical students, was short, chubby and was nattily dressed. He was fair with a round face. He had a subtle sense of humor but a blushing red face was a dead give-away for a subtle joke. He thus earned the nick name ‘thakkaali’ (tomato) Peiris. He would drive in, in his green two tone Austin Cambridge. The white satin drill suit was a perfect match. He had noticed a young couple in our batch who were in the early stages of ‘getting hitched’. A patient with ascites was on the bed. Ernie demonstrated to us the method of ‘eliciting a thrill’ to show that there was fluid inside the peritoneal cavity. Ernie got the male member of the couple to stand on the left side of the patient and made him place his right palm on the patient’s left flank. Then he got the girl to stand on the right side of the patient and place her right palm edgewise on the abdomen from the epigastrium to just below the umbilicus to dampen the thrill travelling across the abdominal wall. He then gave a flick with his finger on the left side of the patient’s abdomen. He asked the male whether he felt a thrill. The male medical student answered ‘yes’. Then he got the girl to use her left hand and flick on the right side of the patient’s abdomen. He asked the male student whether he felt a thrill this time also. He answered ‘Yes Sir’ with a beaming face. Ernie remarked ‘Now you know how to thrill each other’. At the same time true to form, Ernie went red in the face. The whole class burst into laughter.

‘Errnie’ to the medical students was short, chubby and was nattily dressed. He was fair with a round face. He had a subtle sense of humor but a blushing red face was a dead give-away for a subtle joke. He thus earned the nick name ‘thakkaali’ (tomato) Peiris. He would drive in, in his green two tone Austin Cambridge. The white satin drill suit was a perfect match. He had noticed a young couple in our batch who were in the early stages of ‘getting hitched’. A patient with ascites was on the bed. Ernie demonstrated to us the method of ‘eliciting a thrill’ to show that there was fluid inside the peritoneal cavity. Ernie got the male member of the couple to stand on the left side of the patient and made him place his right palm on the patient’s left flank. Then he got the girl tostand on the right side of the patient and place her right palm edgewise on the abdomen from the epigastrium to just below the umbilicus to dampen the thrill travelling across the abdominal wall. He then gave a flick with his finger on the left side of the patient’s abdomen. He asked the male whether he felt a thrill. The male medical student answered ‘yes’. Then he got the girl to use her left hand and flick on the right side of the patient’s abdomen. He asked the male student whether he felt a thrill this time also. He answered ‘Yes Sir’ with a beaming face. Ernie remarked ‘Now you know how to thrill each other’. At the same time true to form Ernie went red in the face.

'Capping' incidents humor.

Bowled and caught by the future mother in law.

Please click on the web-link below :-


Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel