Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Victor Gnanadurai and Nalini Rodrigo reminisce 'the old days' of Anaesthesia.


victor gnanadurai

Dec 7, 2022, 5:06 PM (14 hours ago)

to daya, me
Dear Nalini and Daya,

During our student days, your dedication and concern in the University SCM and our involvement in visiting families living in the “slums” around Kelani river and Ceylon Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis (CNAPT) helped shape my Christianity and my relationship with God and I was ever so grateful to you and fellow Christian students, including Philip.

When, I started, Pain Relief was in its infancy. I had presented a paper on intrathecal morphine at an Intractable Pain Society Conference. An English colleague who was at the meeting was persuaded by a surgeon who was also at the meeting to administer intrathecal morphine, and the patient sadly died.

The Medical Defence Union telephoned me the next day that I should stop administering intrathecal diamorphine with immediate effect. When I protested, they told me “you will be on your own”  ie, I would be defenceless. Because I prayed to God for every patient, I felt safe. I had the habit of taking early morning walks at 4.30 am along the glorious English fields, and committing every Pain patient on my list that day by name to my God. I used to wonder why I was working in fabulously rich England and not in Ceylon.

Nalini, it was such a pleasure and joy to read your email. I will never forget my student days with you all. Your dedication shaped me.

Lots of love,


> On Dec 7, 2022, at 1:23 AM, daya & nalini rodrigo <> wrote:
> Hello Victor,
> Phillip sent me your reply to his DL video knowing that I would appreciate it very much - & I did! To do all that in the 1970s was really great. When Daya & I were in UK from 72-74,  anaesthetists  were absolutely scared of giving any injection into the spine (Im sure you remember the story)! Spinal anaesthesia was kind of taboo and everyone was skeptical when I was giving it freely (it was of course the  first choice in SL!). And very few could give a decent epidural! So for you to be using it for chronic pain so soon after is truly amazing! We started giving intrathecal morphine about the same time but did not have the technology back up to do it properly and on a large scale. Relieving pain is our greatest challenge and privilege and God directed you to be a Pain Missionary! What a calling!
> I remember your dedication and commitment in the good old SCM days!
> God bless you and yours all the years to come.
> Nalini

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  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel