Monday, August 19, 2024

Obituary - Tissa Cooray


May be an image of text that says "OBITUARIE RIE DR. TISSA DORAY on oflat lat G.H. oray Mallika สสปี loving hu id ofNelum, ciou ha father Ayom and Therika, arlin Harend dadu rani, Avika, elun and T uni, Nim Gune Ae and Manga Guni idena. C ege leav resic ce ce No. 22/ Kalya Road, Colombo 06 4.00 p. Cremation at Borel Demete (Old) Crematorium at 5.00 p. Remains will lie at the residen from 9.30 a.m. onwards on 0 July 2024.- Ww dailymir" 



Posted by Ranjith Abheywickrema & Notified by Charith Nanayakkara.





















DR. TISSA COORAY. Son of late Mallika and Prof G.H. Cooray, loving husband of Nelum, precious father of Ayomi ,Jayantha, Harendra and Therika, darling dadu of Arani, Avika, Nelumi and Thuruni, brother of Nimal Guneratne and late Mangala Gunawardena. Cortege leaves residence No. 22/6B, Kalyani Road, Colombo 06 at 4.00 p.m. Cremation at Borella Cemetery (Old) Crematorium at 5.00 p.m. Remains will lie at the residence from 9.30 a.m. onwards on 01st July 2024.

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel