Thursday, February 22, 2024

3000 year old gold, found in Thamilnadu.

A poem on 'Prostatism', By Geri Jayasekara

 n Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 11:11 PM Geri Jayasekara <> wrote:

> Hi, Philip,
> This poem that I wrote is dedicated to our male batch mates who are
> currently having, or may develop, ‘Prostatism.’
>                   PISS OFF!
> Oh what a bliss to pee with ease
> A free flow of the amber clear
> Looking down the pot, with the froth on top
> Isn’t it like Pilsner beer?
> You’re blessed if you start and stop when you want
> Not pause with your thingy exposed
> And doubly blessed if not spilled inside
> Once away with your trousers closed
> Don’t postpone your bladder’s urgent call
> And in case you don’t find a loo
> A luxurious tree, a pole, or even
> A red coloured post box would do
> When at the loo of a bar or shop
> If ever the young men do scoff
> Pray that you start and stop like them
> And boldly tell them, “Piss off!”

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel