Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Amba yahaluwo, 'Mal pipei',

  1. A song from the film of the novel, written by T. B. Ilangaratne ‘Amba yahaluwo’.

  2. It reminded me of my boyhood at Hartley College, Point-Pedro, Ceylon. I was a ‘treble’ part singer, in the College choir and enjoyed every minute of it.

  3. The film clip in the film ‘amba yahaluwo’ . Please click on the weblink below:-

  1. The lyrics of the song, with the accompanying music, for a ‘sing-along’:-,+lyrics+with+music&mid=74ED50ABB01908D3A52A74ED50ABB01908D3A52A&FORM=VIRE

                The film clip unfolds, with a ‘servant boy’ working in an aristocratic household, taking the hot lunch packet to his master’s son, studying at Trinity College, Kandy. He walks into a choir practice session. Children of the same age but of different social standing, are made to interact, in this beautiful film.


I, along with 270 odd students, entered the Medical Faculty, in the year 1960. We had a variety of social strata in the batch. There was never any mention of social standing. All were treated equally. However, there were quite a few humorous encounters. I am relating one such incident.

The father of one of our batchmates was a staff officer in the Department of Education. gone in his car, the father taking his teenage son along on this trip, to do an inspection and give his report, on a village school. After inspection, he was taking his leave from the headmaster of the school 

when he noticed a bunch of lush’ nearly ripe bananas, being carried on the shoulders, by a teenage son of the headmaster. The headmaster said that this bunch was from his home garden,. This was deposited in the ‘dicky’ of the car. All this time the teenage son of the inspector was seated 

comfortably in the car. Both teenage sons entered the 1960 batch, years later. Both recognised each other and had a hearty laugh. a hearty laugh, recalling the incident.  


Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel