Friday, March 8, 2024

Obituary, Dr.Bandaranayake

 email from Geri Jayasekara, received on Jan 18, 2024, 2.28pm

"Just heard that Banda - our Anatomy Demo Dr.Bandaranayake - who was suffering from Motor Neurone Disease, had expired a few hours ago

Obituary, Dr. Buddhadasa Kaluareachchi.


Email from Geri Jayasekara:, Friday 2024,March 8, 8.44am.

Message from the daughter this morning :

"My father, Dr.Buddadhasa Kaluarachchi (Buddhi/Kalu) passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family last evening. Funeral's details to be notified"



email from Charith Nannayakkara - 3/8/2004 Friday 4.51 pm

Dear friends

I share with deep sadness, the death of Dr Buddhadasa Kaluarachchi who passed away peacefully at home on the 7th March.

His body is kept for viewing from 4 pm at Respect Home, Borella on the 9th & cremation on Sunday 10th at 4.30 pm at New Crematorium Borella.

Our deepest condolences to his daughter Nilani & the close surviving relatives.

Please share with any of your mutual friends.



Dr C. S. Nanayakkara

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel