Thursday, November 23, 2023

The impotent husband

             This story was narrated by a colleague who was a physician with a good private practice. One day a middle aged couple who appeared very wealthy, came to consult him. The wife who was bedecked in sparkling jewelry and wearing a very expensive saree, was the first to speak before a dumb-founded husband. She complained bitterly that the husband could not perform in bed as in earlier days, as he did not have a good erection. The husband who was sporting thick gold rings on his fingers and wearing an expensive watch was dressed in nationals and appeared to be a businessman. He seemed unaffected by the wife's out-burst of complaints. My physician friend was thinking of diabetes etc as the cause of the impotence. To be on the safe side, he asked the wife to wait outside, while he did a thorough examination of her husband. As soon as the door closed behind the wife the husband blurted out, ‘Doctor, there is nothing wrong with me. I have a mistress and I do a good job with her. In fact I do it far in excess, so that when I get home, I am not physically fit to do it on my wife.’ That sorted out one problem of diagnosis for my physician friend. The subsequent encounter of the physician with the wife, to explain the husband,s problem, is another story.     

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel