Wednesday, November 1, 2023

ZOOM meeting, celebrating the birthdays of Carlyle and Buddy.

 Dear all,

On Sunday 5th November, let's celebrate the birthdays of Carlyle and Buddy:

Zoom Parties.png

Date and time: Sunday 5th Nov at 9.30pm Melbourne, 4pm SL, 11.30am Spain, 10.30am UK

Meeting ID: 780 3920 9214
Passcode: gMW856

Have a lovely time!

Kind regards,

Obituary - Fred Spittel.

Geri Jayasekara posted to me on Whatsapp today -1st November 2023.

"Just got the news from Aussie that Freddie Spittel passed away and the funeral had been yesterday".

Comments received by email

1. Nice Guy. He was my   neighbour  at Bloemfontein. He and Srikantha was 
hillariousmost of the time. May he RIP

A.S.Thavarasah |

2. Deepest sympathies to Freds children and grandchildren.
Fred was a happy soul always ready to share a joke I remember his smile and 
laugh so well. Just a few years ago we. celebrated
his 80th Birthday with his family and friends he will be sadly  
missed. Farewell dear batchmate.

Soma Herath nee Samaranayake |

3.Dear Jerry & Philip
Thank you for sharing the sad news of another batch mate of ours who had died & also had his final farewell service yesterday.

Fred was a very jovial, joined most of our batch reunions held in Sri Lanka and was a very loyal, friendly and reliable guy.
He will be sadly missed by his family, patients & families and our batch mates.

Please pass my deepest sympathies to his surviving family.

May he rest in Peace.


C.S. Nanayakkara 

Nihal S. Gooneratne

12:53 AM (2 hours ago)
to me

Sad to hear about Fred’s death. He was with me in Bloem. A happy-go-lucky guy, always full of life and a nice smile. He was the last guy off the dance floor at the reunions.

Nihal Gooneratne

My Heartfelt Condolences to the Family

Kathir Nadanachandran

Thu, Nov 2, 8:32 AM (19 hours ago)
to me

Thank you  for letting me know. Sorry to hear this. We are all in the departure lounge.
Our deepest sympathies to the family.

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel