Friday, January 27, 2023

Medical student days, Kynsey Road, Colombo.


On a 'Public Health' field trip to Kalatuwawe to see the water treatment plant which supplied water to the Colombo Municipality. Trip done in 1963/4 by the 1960  entrants batch. Liquor was consumed on ther sly by the students. One of the males students was unsteady on his feet and had told an accompanying lecturer that they had no meney to buy a recommended book. The lecturer had answered that if you have money to buy alcohol, you can easily buy the recommended book. The student who was unsteady on his feet had asked his friend closeby in a whisper voice "Machan, how did he know that I was drinking?   '.
Public health field trip to the Port of Colombo, tp pay a visit to the 'Port Health Officer', by the 1960 Batch entrants. We got a trip on board a 'lighter' round the Port. No alcohol was available on this trip.    


Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel