Sunday, October 15, 2023

The 'Grand ward round' of Dr. Lalith Perera, Consultant Surgeon, NHSL, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

 When a 'Consultant' usually from a major speciality in the medical field retires, on his retirement day, usually on his birthday, a final ceremonial ward round is held, on this day. This is called a 'Grand ward round'. This tradition goes back over decades. I had this 24  years ago when I retired from this same Surgical unit at the NHSL, which had been under the famous Dr. Noel Batholomeus, when we were medical students in the early 1960s. 

    Dr. Lalith Perera Trained with me as Registrar and subsequently Senior Registrar in Surgery. He completed his MS in Surgery and went to  the UK for post-graduate studies and obtained his FRCS Ed. He returned to the Island and served in various parts of the Island being being posted to the NHSL and back to the same surgical unit as Consultant Surgeon. He had served in the same surgical unit as Intern House Officer, Registrar, Senior Registrar and now was its Consultant in Charge.

    He has an ever-ready smile and gets along well with people. His surgical skills are excellent, and he has sense for fair-play and honesty. He had a very good family support and his material needs were amply met by his earnings.

    I was living in quiet retirement when he rang me up and gave the news that he was retiring on the 9th of October 2023, a few days ahead, and he invited me to attend his "Grand ward round' and subsequent reception. I promptly accepted.

I am attaching a web-link below, to show you the ceremony of a Popular Consultant Surgeon's retirement, at the NHSL:-

Chop, chop, chop not the answer to avert tree tragedies

Chop, chop, chop not the answer to avert tree tragedies

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel