Saturday, March 9, 2024

Dr. Daya Rodrigo & Dr. Burhan

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Minimizing mosquito irritation.

 This was told to me by our batch humorist Geri, long years back. Geri knew an old gentleman, whom everyone addressed as  ‘Seeya’, meaning Grandpa in Sinhalese. He was in his 80’s and was quite alert mentally, had a lean and wiry body and was physically fit. ‘Seeya’ had problems sleeping at night because of the irritating buzz of mosquitos darting near his ears and the itchy bits inflicted all over the uncovered parts of his body. His room was hot and he had an old mosquito net, which had seen better days. His mosquito net had many holes in it, which was difficult to repair. Seeya was getting angrier day by day and wanted to ‘kill the buggers by the hundreds’. As a reputed hunter in his young days he knew there were three requisites in hunting 1. The trap. 2. The Bait and 3. The Kill. He knew the timing for the mosquitos to start biting was after 6 pm. The peak of the mosquitos activity was around 7 – 8 pm. This was his plan.

1.       Close the doors and windows of his bed room around 4.30 pm

2.       Get onto the bed and cover himself with the defective mosquito net around 6pm.

3.       Wait inside the mosquito net for half an hour.

4.       When the inside of the mosquito net had a sufficient number of mosquitos, he would quietly sneak out of the net.

5.       Now he would twist the closed net and kill all the mosquitos inside.

6.       The hunting job was done for the day, with the closed doors and windows preventing further influx of mosquitos . Now he would have a lesser number of mosquitos to deal with.

7.       The last stage was to go to bed and taking care to cover his feet and ears.

This technique he claimed, gave him a better sleep.

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel