Friday, November 3, 2023

Remembering Fred's antics.


Geri Jayasekara

2:05 PM (7 hours ago)
to me

Fred and Geri at the Mount Lavinia Hotel, SL.

.                      Frederick Victor Carl Spittel 

      (3 November 1939 - 21 October 2023)

Boxer did, that Simon and Garfunkel sang about.

 Yet others sought some alleviation of their 

apprehension and doubt in the worship of

 Bacchus, the god of wine, although it was arrack

 that was used as a substitute. 

Now that I found the word, one person who was anything but 

nonchalant was Vignarajah, Vigna for short. He was at that time a 

teetotaler and although not a misogynist, one not generally known 

to take particular delight in female company. It was the Path/Bacterio

 part of the Third MB, considered the most formidable section to

 pass, that he had sat for, and the results were to be out the following 

day. Because of the anxious anticipation of the possibilities, Vigna 

hadn’t slept a wink the previous night and was now pacing the 

corridors on both floors, entering rooms and waking sleeping 

chappies to tell them that he can’t fall asleep. Having got summarily 

chased away by most, he happened to call on a fellow who had earlier

 been in a similar predicament and had been helped by Freddie. So,

 he advised Vigna, “Go and see Freddie.” And that’s exactly what Vigna 

did. The persistent knock on the door around 2 am woke Joe who 

occupied the lower segment of the bunk bed. Having uttered a profane

 interjection for the intrusion, he opened the door, but softened no sooner

 he saw the desperate look on Vigna’s face. 

    However, sleep, ‘tired nature’s sweet restorer,’ was evading Vigna 

like the dickens, and the deprivation of this restorer was taking its toll, 

 making him pace the corridors yawning like a baby hippo and banging 

on the doors to explain to the chappies who had been rudely woken up, 

how he cannot understand why Freddie’s sleeping tablets are not working 

even after an hour of taking not one, but two of them. Coaxed back

 into his room, despite the assurance given by Freddie, Vigna would

 not fall asleep at all for the whole duration of what was left of that

 night. He continued to be wide awake as he went to the notice 

board the next morning and saw that he had passed! 

Returning to his room, he couldn’t yet, even then, as much as close

 his eyes as an inducement to sleep. Rather, he stayed fully awake

 for a full forty eight more hours.  

Ironically, it was left to Freddie himself to unravel Vigna’s  perplexing

 pharmaceutical aberration.  In his half-awake state, instead of 

 phenobarbital that was his intention to dispense, Freddie had mistakenly

 doled out two tablets of amphetamine, the strongest psychostimulant

 we had at the time!

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel