Thursday, October 19, 2023

The 7 types of Kingfishers found in Sri Lanka.

On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 11:29 PM Nihal S. Gooneratne <> wrote:


THE 7 KINGS (A retrospective study of the seven types of Kingfishers found in Sri Lanka ) – By Prashanth Sentilkumar


Kingfisher - eLanka


Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) – known as Pilihuduwa ,its contrasting black and white feathers are really beautiful.The bird is a little bigger than a mynah.The male has two black lines (gorgets) across its breast while the female has only one.They live on fish, tadpoles and small aquatic animals in the low country wet and dry zones.


Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) – The Ceylon Small Blue Kingfisher, or Podu Mal Pilihuduwa , are slightly larger than sparrows with a brilliant blue feathered upper body and chestnut undersides. They fly very fast over water; and are found in most parts of the island.The diet comprises of small fish, aquatic insects, small crabs and frogs, they love hunting in the sandy beaches and the muddy mangroves.


Ceylon Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) -Referred to as the Neela Karnial Pilihuduwa .They look like the common kingfisher except the feathers are deeper blue and chestnut colored. The birds prefer to stay in the secluded streams in the dry zone jungles and the foothills of Uva.


White-breasted Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) – known as Laya Sudu Pilihuduwa in Sinhala and Meenkotti or Kikilupai in Tamil.The bird as a white bib-like patch on its breast surrounded by a chocolate brown plumage. The species can be found all over the island mainly in gardens, tea estates, open country, but rarely close to expanses of water. They don’t eat fish that much, instead on small frogs, grasshoppers, lizards and worms, generally feeding on the ground than over water.


Black-capped Purple Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata) – Known as Hisa Kalu Dam Pilihuduwa ,it has a black head, purple upper parts, reddish buff underparts and a white collar. It is a very rare winter migrant. found near brackish water and mangrove swamps and also the Uda Walawe National Park. They live on fish, frogs, crabs, small crustacea etc.


Stork-billed Kingfisher (Pelargopis capensis) – Known as the Watura Anduwa or Manathudu Maha Pilihuduwa , the bird is smaller than a crow .It’s the largest kingfisher in the island. It has a geyish-brownish head and a blood red beak, with a brownish yellow feather upper body. They feed on fish, crabs, frogs, small mammals and even birds.found all over the island mainly in the dry zone areas of the low country.


Three-toed Kingfisher (Ceyx erithacus) – Known as Ran Pilihuduwa ,its upper back is sapphire blue feathers, whereas the lower back is amethyst and rump pinkish. The kingfisher gets its name from the fact that it does not have a second toe, hence only three toes all the others have four. They love the forest, jungle rivers and streams of the low country nestling on trees. They live on small fish, crabs, grasshoppers, frogs. When inflight they utter a shrill and piping call.


Kingfisher - eLanka

Kingfisher - eLanka

Kingfisher - eLanka

Kingfisher - eLanka

Kingfisher - eLanka

Kingfisher - eLanka

Kingfisher - eLanka

Kingfisher - eLanka


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  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel