Monday, August 26, 2024

On board the Cruise liner, 'Neo Costa Riveira'

 Ramya, myself and 3 other couples from Avissawella, went on this trip.

1. Boarded the cruise liner, 'Neo Costa Riveira', at Colombo harbor at 4pm.
2. Welcomed aboard. Baggage check done to prevent taking alcoholic drinks on board. 
3.Taken to our cabins, each couple is assigned a cabin. Twin beds & attached bath in each cabin which was air-conditioned.
We were told 'Leave your worries and enjoy yourself'
4. Left Colombo at 6pm
5.Journeyed the night and the whole of next day.
6. Arrived at Goa port at 6am.
7. Left ship to tour Goa hiring a van.
8. Visited the church housing the relics of St. Xavior.
9. Visited the old town governed by the Portuguese from 1506 till 1948.
10. Back on board the ship to have a late lunch.
11. There were six restaurants on board. Help oneself ad lib and no payments.
12. Walk arounds, six swimming baths  on the deck.
13. Badminton on deck
14. Workouts to music, on the deck.
15. Concert with a native wedding as the theme.
16. Shopping malls and Casinos. 
17. Left Goa Port at 6 pm.
18. Arrived in Bombay Port at 7am
19. Toured Bombay.
20 Went to Elephanta Island.
21. Back on board the ship for lunch & Disembarking.
22. Went by hired van to New Delhi.
23. Stayed the night in a hotel.
24. Did pavement shopping in New Delhi. 
25. Arrived  at the airport in New Delhi at 1pm
26. Flight to  Katunayake at 3pm.
27. Arrived at Katunayke 4.30 pm..
Nice trip. Cruise liner cost Rs.130,000/= each.
Philip G V

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Friday, August 23, 2024

On board the cruise liner "Neo Costa Riveira", Colombo to Mumbai.

The majestic lines of the 'Neo Costa Riveira'

The welcoming group at Goa
Part of the group

                                                                On the deck

                    Waiting near the life to go to the cabins, two floors down

                                                    The shopping mall

                                    Dr. Kothelawala cutting his birthday cake



Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Memories of medical student days, early 1960s by Asoka Dissanayake, Batch of 1960 entrants.

    Lakshman Karalliedde had an alias "Charlie" bestowed on him, due to his
fondness to visit "Charlies" bar, at the Queen's hotel in Kandy. As was
mentioned before he and I became close friends. Along with Kapuwaththe, Alky Bala, Sunil Liyanage, Ponna, the late Rama Karthigesu, Syed Ahmed with the late JBC de Silva joining in sometimes, we formed a study and play group. Once we decided to hike up to Nuwara-eliya. It was great fun but on the way down, Kapu was was found to have got Chicken pox. Having come to Kandy where as usual we planned to stay at Karals', the problem arose of getting Kapu back to his home at Matale. Karal's mother was adamant in not giving their Grey Austin A50 to take him to Mathale. Luckily,  Mr.Wijesuriya who happened to be one of Sunil's family friends lent us his, if I remember correctly a Green Opel car. Long years later, Karals married Mr. W's daughter, Kanthi.
‘After exams parties’ -all male affairs- were at Sunils' parent’s home in
Gregory's avenue, Colombo, a logical choice as Sunil's father was the youngest dad amongst ours. He would join in the fun along with his elderly ‘Appu’. Ponna and Syed Ahmed were teetotallers and sobering influences. Dr. Stanley de Silva paediatrician, was Sunils' opposite neighbour.
My place at Bambalapitiya was frequently the study centre. Between breaks we would head to 'Sarawathi hotel' for 'thosai and wade' feed, and later stand at the top of the lane on Galle Road and watch the world go by. A practice my father too did. He had  a phenomenal memory for car numbers and names of people whom he identified  passing by.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Obituary - Tissa Cooray


May be an image of text that says "OBITUARIE RIE DR. TISSA DORAY on oflat lat G.H. oray Mallika สสปี loving hu id ofNelum, ciou ha father Ayom and Therika, arlin Harend dadu rani, Avika, elun and T uni, Nim Gune Ae and Manga Guni idena. C ege leav resic ce ce No. 22/ Kalya Road, Colombo 06 4.00 p. Cremation at Borel Demete (Old) Crematorium at 5.00 p. Remains will lie at the residen from 9.30 a.m. onwards on 0 July 2024.- Ww dailymir" 



Posted by Ranjith Abheywickrema & Notified by Charith Nanayakkara.





















DR. TISSA COORAY. Son of late Mallika and Prof G.H. Cooray, loving husband of Nelum, precious father of Ayomi ,Jayantha, Harendra and Therika, darling dadu of Arani, Avika, Nelumi and Thuruni, brother of Nimal Guneratne and late Mangala Gunawardena. Cortege leaves residence No. 22/6B, Kalyani Road, Colombo 06 at 4.00 p.m. Cremation at Borella Cemetery (Old) Crematorium at 5.00 p.m. Remains will lie at the residence from 9.30 a.m. onwards on 01st July 2024.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Hi lili hi lili hi lili hi lo,

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sadiq & Travis Zoom August 18th



daya & nalini rodrigo

Aug 15, 2024, 8:22 AM (23 hours ago)

Melbourne 8pm,  SL 3.30pm, London 11am, Spain 12n

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 738 1309 4261
Passcode: i16sqB

Obituary, Nihal Thenabadu, Cardiologist.


Nihal Thenbadu

Nihal passed away this morning. You may inform our batch.

daya & nalini rodrigo

Wed, Aug 14, 11:41 AM (2 days ago)

to me

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Amba yahaluwo, 'Mal pipei',

  1. A song from the film of the novel, written by T. B. Ilangaratne ‘Amba yahaluwo’.

  2. It reminded me of my boyhood at Hartley College, Point-Pedro, Ceylon. I was a ‘treble’ part singer, in the College choir and enjoyed every minute of it.

  3. The film clip in the film ‘amba yahaluwo’ . Please click on the weblink below:-

  1. The lyrics of the song, with the accompanying music, for a ‘sing-along’:-,+lyrics+with+music&mid=74ED50ABB01908D3A52A74ED50ABB01908D3A52A&FORM=VIRE

                The film clip unfolds, with a ‘servant boy’ working in an aristocratic household, taking the hot lunch packet to his master’s son, studying at Trinity College, Kandy. He walks into a choir practice session. Children of the same age but of different social standing, are made to interact, in this beautiful film.


I, along with 270 odd students, entered the Medical Faculty, in the year 1960. We had a variety of social strata in the batch. There was never any mention of social standing. All were treated equally. However, there were quite a few humorous encounters. I am relating one such incident.

The father of one of our batchmates was a staff officer in the Department of Education. gone in his car, the father taking his teenage son along on this trip, to do an inspection and give his report, on a village school. After inspection, he was taking his leave from the headmaster of the school 

when he noticed a bunch of lush’ nearly ripe bananas, being carried on the shoulders, by a teenage son of the headmaster. The headmaster said that this bunch was from his home garden,. This was deposited in the ‘dicky’ of the car. All this time the teenage son of the inspector was seated 

comfortably in the car. Both teenage sons entered the 1960 batch, years later. Both recognised each other and had a hearty laugh. a hearty laugh, recalling the incident.  


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Nalini's recall

email from Nalini:-

Here's a better shot! We loved visiting the Minneriya elephants too! Have seen get-togethers of over 300 sometimes with loads of babies!
One evening driving back on the main road we were surrounded by elephants on both sides of the road - that was really scary!
Another time a huge elephant stood across the road with his trunk up (to say STOP!) and as we watched a herd of about 20 crossed the road behind him - that was superb.
When the last one passed the the Protector lowered his trunk and walked away! I can't remember whether it was male or female. Daya would definitely have remembered!

On Tue, 13 Aug 2024 at 05:34, Philip Veerasingam <> wrote:
What lovely photos and what exciting recall of these incidents.
I am posting this in our batch blog.

Philip Veerasingam

7:33 AM (2 minutes ago)

Thanks! I'm very proud of that shot - I took it!
I live on all the wonderful memories of 55 great years together!

daya & nalini rodrigo

7:37 AM (21 minutes ago)

to me

Monday, August 12, 2024

Geri's recent photo


The old light-house in Mannar


    I was serving in 2003, after retirement, at the Base Hospital Mannar, working for the WHO. Mannar had many interesting things to see. On the road to Pesalai from Mannar, there is an old light house. This was reputed to be from Portuguese times. It is built of stones and mortar and has a narrow winding staircase inside. At the top is a platform where, fire-wood was burnt as a beacon to the ships.  You can also see the umbrella trees peculiar to Mannar close to the light-house.


1960 Medical entrants, Batch get together, Dambulla.


The elephants of The Minneriya National Park 



      The Minneriya National park has one entrance on the Dambulla Polonnoruwa road. It has a large herd of elephants and a variety of bird life. When we had our 50th anniversary after entrance to Kynsey road get together of our batch in Dambulla we spent an afternoon in the park and saw this herd of elephants. They were quite close by and were lazing by the water side. There were two youngsters who were being suckled by their mothers and were being protected by them. It was an idyllic setting.

Hello Phillip,
I wondered how I had nearly the same photograph until I read that you snapped this on our get together trip. I could have been at the window behind you.

Hello Phillip,
I used a Nikon Coolpix 5.1 megapixel with a 3 zoom only which was hand held. I think I was in a closed vehicle and therefore probably in the second vehicle. I only know the basics of Email and have just got the book Windows XP for Dummies. Hopefully it will tell me how to email the pictures to you.
Best wishes and thanks for all the stimulation of my memory.

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel