Sunday, January 28, 2024

Donation of Medical Batch 1960 to the Palliative Care Unit ,Kandy National Hospital.

- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mana Wedisinghe <>
Date: Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 8:55 PM
To: <>

Hello Philip.
I am sending photos of the presentation of donation of  Medical Batch 1960 to the Palliative Care Unit ,Kandy National Hospital.  Total donation is Rs 150,000./-    From  the Medical Batch Rs 90560/-    Balance from Sa,manthi Strong Foundation.
Please read the attached letter.

Mana  Wedisinghe.

Dr. D.T.D.J.Abeysekara.

Palliative Care Unit

National Hospital


Donation from Medical Batch 1960.

Dear Dr Abeysekara.

As explained on an earlier occasion ,   Samanthi Strong Foundation was  holding a sum of Rs 90560/- given to it   by  the  Medical Batch of 1960,  with specific instructions to utilize  it  to make a donation to a worthy cause.

Hence  , we  decided to donate it to you to be used  in the Palliative Care Unit of the National Hospital Kandy. 

We gladly  made  it a round figure of    Rs 150,000/- , drawing  the  balance   from our    Foundation Funds .

Dr Silva  , the Treasurer of  Medical Batch 1960 will have the honour of handing over the cheque to you.

Details of the cheque.

Drawn in favour of          : The Kandy Kidney  Protection Society  , A/C number 34393 ,Bank of Ceylon  

                Amount.                              Rs 150,000.00

A/C  Number     :               0007-6000-3220

A/C holder          :               Samanthi Strong Foundation , Kandy.

Cheque No         :               000026.                

We  understand   that there is no separate Bank Account in the name of the Palliative Care Unit Kandy as yet.

That being the reason for  the cheque to be drawn in favour of the Kandy  Kidney Protection Society has to be explained to the members of the  Medical Batch of 1940.  We are happy ,with  your assurance that  the funds will be utilized entirely for the work done in  the Palliative Care  Unit .

Please be kind enough  to acknowledge receipt by signing the accompanying voucher No 16  and also please   send us a list of items purchased , their costs  or a  breakdown of  the manner in which the money was spent in order to be forwarded to members of Medical Batch 1960.


The  final item in the agenda for today is the  handing  over  of a Personal Computer ,   HP Slimline  Model s5 , a complete unit with CPU,  Monitor , , electrical connections , wifi receiver unit, etc and  a Computer table ,as  a gift from Samanthi Strong Foundation to  the  Palliative Care Unit .

The Foundation would be happy to carry out maintenance repairs to   the Computer   for a period of one year from Jan 2024.

Wishing you all success in this endeavour.





Dr M.P.Wedisinghe                                                         Dr P.Wedisinghe.

Treasurer                                                                            Secretary.


Copy      :      Silva,   Treasurer  ,Medical Batch 1960.

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