Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Buddy Reid, Over 75 years World Table Tennis Champion.


Dr Buddy Reid Over-75 World TT Champ

By Lakshman Ranasinghe

Even at the ripe old age of the late 70s, former Sri Lanka double international Dr Buddy Reid cannot be denied the limelight. Now domiciled in Australia, this son of Lanka continues to evoke national pride among Sri Lankans.  On this occasion Dr Reid was crowned World Champion at the Over-75 World Table Tennis (TT) Championship in Spain.  In the preliminary rounds the Dr Reid showed his prowess in the game in which he represented the National TT team with success at national and international level, by first defeating reigning European champion Horst Ifland of Switzerland, then former world champion Bilil of Germany and finally, his biggest victory was when he overcame a fighting, reigning world champion Lay from China. These three victories signaled that Dr Reid is in for the long haul, looking fit as ever. Along the way he didn’t have any problems defeating Lau (Hong Kong) and other players from Slovakia, New Zealand, Japan and Sweden.

Against reigning world champ Lay (China) in the semi-finals, Dr. Reid’s skill, fitness and experience was stretched to its limits to overcome the Chinese champ, as the game went to the deciding 5th set. In the finals, Dr Reid trounced former champ Dimitri Bilil (Germany) 3-0. Partnering Igor Klaf of Russia in the Doubles final, this match too went down to the wire, but Dr. Reid and his partner had to be content with the Runner-up spot, losing the all important 5th set 13-15.  At St. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia, Buddy Reid was a member of every age group team from Under12 to 1st XI. As an opening batsman he was a tower of strength, difficult to dislodge, holding his end, making way for other batsmen to settle down to post huge scores for the school. Buddy played in only one Royal-Thomian match in 1959 under Dennis Ferdinands, as he entered the Faculty of Medicine.

Playing for Colombo University in the company of Cricketers such as Sarath Wimalaratne, M.L. Idroos, Gurusinghe, Balakrishna to name a few, in the then premier Cricket tournament of Ceylon the P. Saravanamuttu Trophy, he became an automatic choice for the National side to play against the visiting Pakistan team under Imtiaz Ahamed in 1964. Ceylon, captained by Michael Tissera, playing in the first ever 4-day unofficial ‘Test’ defeated Pakistan in three days. Dr. Reid had the unique achivement of captaining the National Cricket team against the MCC in 1968-69 and the National Table Tennis team at the Asian Games in Bangkok, at the Asian TT Championship in Singapore and the Peking International Games in China.  As a TT player, Dr Reid represented Ceylon with distinction in international tournaments. All Sri Lankans should take pride in Dr Reid’s performance, at this age.

On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 6:12 PM Philip Veerasingam <> wrote:

emails received 


How wonderful and inspiring! Congratulations Buddy! I'm amazed by all you do! 😃👏
What a fantastic achievement. Congratulations Buddy. Keep shining.

Ayesha Ratnayake

Fri, Feb 2, 9:09 PM (13 hours ago)

to Buddy, me, Kathir, Nihal, Aru, Arjuna, kamalini, sugi

Kathir Nadanachandran

1:22 AM (8 hours ago)

to Ayesha, Buddy, me, Nihal, Aru, Arjuna, kamalini, sugi

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Donation of Medical Batch 1960 to the Palliative Care Unit ,Kandy National Hospital.

- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mana Wedisinghe <>
Date: Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 8:55 PM
To: <>

Hello Philip.
I am sending photos of the presentation of donation of  Medical Batch 1960 to the Palliative Care Unit ,Kandy National Hospital.  Total donation is Rs 150,000./-    From  the Medical Batch Rs 90560/-    Balance from Sa,manthi Strong Foundation.
Please read the attached letter.

Mana  Wedisinghe.

Dr. D.T.D.J.Abeysekara.

Palliative Care Unit

National Hospital


Donation from Medical Batch 1960.

Dear Dr Abeysekara.

As explained on an earlier occasion ,   Samanthi Strong Foundation was  holding a sum of Rs 90560/- given to it   by  the  Medical Batch of 1960,  with specific instructions to utilize  it  to make a donation to a worthy cause.

Hence  , we  decided to donate it to you to be used  in the Palliative Care Unit of the National Hospital Kandy. 

We gladly  made  it a round figure of    Rs 150,000/- , drawing  the  balance   from our    Foundation Funds .

Dr Silva  , the Treasurer of  Medical Batch 1960 will have the honour of handing over the cheque to you.

Details of the cheque.

Drawn in favour of          : The Kandy Kidney  Protection Society  , A/C number 34393 ,Bank of Ceylon  

                Amount.                              Rs 150,000.00

A/C  Number     :               0007-6000-3220

A/C holder          :               Samanthi Strong Foundation , Kandy.

Cheque No         :               000026.                

We  understand   that there is no separate Bank Account in the name of the Palliative Care Unit Kandy as yet.

That being the reason for  the cheque to be drawn in favour of the Kandy  Kidney Protection Society has to be explained to the members of the  Medical Batch of 1940.  We are happy ,with  your assurance that  the funds will be utilized entirely for the work done in  the Palliative Care  Unit .

Please be kind enough  to acknowledge receipt by signing the accompanying voucher No 16  and also please   send us a list of items purchased , their costs  or a  breakdown of  the manner in which the money was spent in order to be forwarded to members of Medical Batch 1960.


The  final item in the agenda for today is the  handing  over  of a Personal Computer ,   HP Slimline  Model s5 , a complete unit with CPU,  Monitor , , electrical connections , wifi receiver unit, etc and  a Computer table ,as  a gift from Samanthi Strong Foundation to  the  Palliative Care Unit .

The Foundation would be happy to carry out maintenance repairs to   the Computer   for a period of one year from Jan 2024.

Wishing you all success in this endeavour.





Dr M.P.Wedisinghe                                                         Dr P.Wedisinghe.

Treasurer                                                                            Secretary.


Copy      :      Silva,   Treasurer  ,Medical Batch 1960.

Our condolences to Priya Rathnayake nee Herath on the loss of her loving husband, Rtd. Major General Andrew Ratnayaka

- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mana Wedisinghe <>
Date: Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Mini Batch 2024
To: Mana Wedisinghe <>

Hello Philip.

A few of us  met at Priya  Ratnayaka's   on  23.01.2024.

Priya lost her husband , Rtd  Major General Andrew Ratnayaka  a couple  of weeks back.

This was a condolences  visit.

Mana Wedisinghe.

Leopard carrying away a dog from the veranda of a bungalow in Dayagama, Nuwara-eliya district, Sri Lanka.

 Leopard carrying away a dog from the veranda of a bungalow in Dayagama, Nuwara-eliya district, Sri Lanka

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Memories of the early 1960's, by Asoka


Lakshman Karalliedde had an alias "Charlie" bestowed on him due to his
fondness to visit "Charlies" bar at the Queen's hotel in Kandy. As was
mentioned before he and I became close friends. Along with Kapu, Alky Bala,
Sunil Liyanage, Ponna, the late Rama Karthigesu, Syed Ahmed with the late
JBC de Silva joining in sometimes we formed a study and play group. Once we
decided to hike up to N' was great fun but on the way down Kapu got
Chicken pox. Having come to Kandy where as usual we planned to stay at
Karals'. the problem was getting Kapu back to his home at Matale. Karal's
mother was adamant in not giving their Grey Austin A50 to take him
back. Luckily a Mr. Wijesuriya who happened to be one of Sunil's family
friends lent us his car, if I remember correctly green Opel car. Later on Karlas
married Mr. W's daughter Kanthi.

After exams parties -all male affairs were at Sunils' parents home in
Gregory's avenue a logical choice as Sunil's father was the youngest dad
amongst ours. He would join in the fun along with his elderly ‘Appu’. Ponna
and Syed Ahmed were teetotalers and sobering influences. Dr. Stanley de
Silva Paediatrician was Sunils' opposite neighbor.
My place at Bambalapitiya was frequently the study centre. Between breaks we
would head to Sarawathi for ‘thosai and wade’ and stand at top of the lane on
Galle Road and watch the world go by. A practice my father too did. He had
a phenomenal memory for car numbers and names of people whom he identified.
passing by driving their cars.



Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Photo forwarded by Nihal Gooneratne,


                                                        4" of snow, in Nihal's backyard.

Bald eagle, fishing, forwarded by Nihal Gooneratne.


Prenatal sex discernment

 Prenatal sex discernment is the prenatal testing for discerning the sex of a fetus before birth.


Prenatal sex discernment can be performed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis before conception, but this method may not always be classified as prenatal sex discernment because it's performed even before implantation.

  • Cell-free fetal DNA testing, wherein a venipuncture is performed on the mother to analyze the small amount of fetal DNA that can be found within it. It provides the earliest post-implantation test. A meta-analysis published in 2011 found that such tests are reliable more than 98% of the time, as long as they are taken after the seventh week of pregnancy.[1][2]
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis are two rather invasive testing procedures. These may, in principle, be performed as early as the 8th and the 9th week of pregnancy. The difficulty of these tests and the risk of injury to the foetus, potentially resulting in miscarriage or congenital abnormalities (especially when done early during the pregnancy), make them quite rare during the first trimester. In the United States, CVS and amniocentesis are most commonly performed after the 11th and the 15th week of pregnancy.[citation needed]
  • Obstetric ultrasonography, either transvaginally or transabdominally, can check for the sagittal sign as a marker of foetal sex. It can be performed between 65 and 69 days from fertilization (week 12 of gestational age), where it gives a result in 90% of cases – a result that is correct in approximately 34 of cases, according to a study from 2001.[3] Accuracy for males is approximately 50% and for females almost 100%. When performed later, after 70 days from fertilization (at week 13 of gestational age), it gives an accurate result in almost 100% of cases.[3]


Potential applications of prenatal sex discernment include:

  • Disease testing: A complement to specific gene testing for monogenic disorders, which can be very useful for genetic diseases with sex linkage, such as, for example, X-linked diseases. In such cases, it may be much easier to exclude the possibility of disease in the child by prenatal sex discernment than to test for any specific sign of the disease itself. Common X-linked recessive disorders include Duchenne muscular dystrophy, fragile X syndrome and haemophilia.
  • Preparation, for any sex-dependent aspects of parenting.
  • Sex selection, which after preimplantation genetic diagnosis may be performed by selecting only embryos of the preferred sex, or, after post-implantation methods by performing sex-selective abortion depending on the test result and personal preference. A 2006 survey [1] found that 42 per cent of IVF clinics in the US that offer PGD have provided it for sex selection for non-medical reasons. Nearly half of these clinics perform it only for "family balancing", which is where a couple with two or more children of one sex desire a child of the other, but half do not restrict sex selection to family balancing. In India, this practice has been used to select only male embryos although this practice is illegal.[4] Opinions on whether sex selection for non-medical reasons is ethically acceptable differ widely, as exemplified by the fact that the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Task Force could not formulate a uniform recommendation.

"Gender reveal" parties and "Baby showers".

 A gender reveal party is a party held during pregnancy to reveal the baby's sex to the expectant parents' family and friends, and sometimes to the parents themselves. Prenatal sex discernment technology furnishes the necessary information.[1][2] The practice originated in the United States during the late 2000s.[2]

It is distinct from, but sometimes combined with, a baby shower, where the primary activity is giving expecting parents gifts for their future child. The gender reveal party often involves gender stereotypes such as pink and blue denoting girls and boys, respectively.[1][2]

The practice is controversial and has been criticized for the use of elaborate and dangerous special effects, which have directly contributed to multiple deaths, injuries and large-scale forest fires, namely the 2017 Sawmill Fire and the 2020 El Dorado Fire.[3][4] The practice has also been criticized for reinforcing gender stereotypes and the gender binary.[1][2][5]

History and development

The gender reveal party developed in the late 2000s. An early example was recorded in the 2008 posts of then-pregnant Jenna Karvunidis on her ChicagoNow blog High Gloss and Sauce announcing the sex of her fetus via cake; she had previously had several miscarriages and wished to celebrate that her pregnancy had developed to the point that the sex of the fetus could be determined.[6][7] YouTube videos can be found as early as 2008 and 2009, becoming significant around 2011, after which the trend continued to grow through the 2010s.[8][2]

In 2019, Karvunidis observed an increase in extreme reveal events over the preceding five years, with parents "burning down forests and exploding cars, bringing alligators into the mix". She expressed regret at having helped start the trend, learning how the LGBT and intersex communities feel, and finally revealing the daughter they announced back in 2008 to be a gender-nonconforming individual who wears suits while still identifying as female.[6] After the 2020 El Dorado Fire was started by a malfunctioning pyrotechnical device at a gender reveal party, Karvunidis pleaded for people to stop staging such events.[9]

Comparison to baby showers

Baby showers, a traditional prenatal celebration, have some key differences from gender reveal parties. Primarily, the focus on gender reveal parties is fetal sex, while baby showers focus on the giving of supplies and items for the future infant to expectant parents. Traditionally, baby showers are for women only, while gender reveal parties have no inherently-associated gender restriction and attendee limitations are determined by the pregnant individual or couple.[citation needed] Some couples combine the two.[1][2]

Spread and mediatization

The trend was popularized on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest, although it originated before the latter two.[8][5] This mediatization has significantly boosted the likelihood of expectant parents to have or take part in gender reveal parties. Internet remix culture lends the practice great receptivity toward individual creativity, a factor in their growing popularity.[1][2] Demographic research shows the most gender reveal parties are done by expecting parents that are middle-class, heterosexual White Americans who are married or partnered.[1]

The trend has also reached South Korea. In 2022, Na Ju-ye of the Hankook Ilbo reported that the trend was growing amongst young parents. Na noted that the parties differed in several ways from those in the West. Some parties, instead of focusing on the parents, are focused on the grandparents. In addition, due to the low birth rate in South Korea, the parties are perceived somewhat positively and the historical practice of preferring male children has become significantly reduced. Finally, while there is technically a law that forbids doctors from informing parents of a baby's gender before 32 weeks of pregnancy, parents still manage to receive guesses from doctors.[10]

Planning the event

The focus of gender reveal parties being the fetal sex, such information is a prerequisite. This can be determined at or after the gestational age required by the method being used. For ultrasound, the most common method, the earliest this can be reliably done is approximately 65 days, but it is typically done at around 20 weeks.[a] Both the determination of fetal sex and the party are typically held during the second trimester.[1][11]

Post-examination knowledge of the fetal sex by the parents varies. Most commonly, a third party (sometimes called a "gender guardian") is entrusted with the information, and it remains a secret from the parents until the reveal. This person is responsible for making party arrangements to ensure the reveal happens without the prior knowledge of the parents. In other cases, it is already known to one or both parents, and the reveal is specifically for attendees.[1]

To help maintain the mystery, party decorations are typically heavily gendered, but ambiguous when taken as a whole.[1]

During the event

Room showing a multicolored scoreboard divided between "Team Pink" and "Team Blue" for a gender-reveal party.
American football-themed gender reveal party featuring "Team Pink" vs. "Team Blue".

While the focus remains on the fetal sex, the reveal is typically the climax of the party. Prior to the reveal, party games are common, in which attendees or expecting parents guess or assert the fetal sex.[1] This can also take the form of competition between a "Team Pink" and "Team Blue" which parents or participants may join.[1][2]

Sometimes the event includes features of a baby shower. If this is the case, gifts may be given or opened at a specific time.[1][2]

The reveal

A white frosted cake decorated with black question marks and Mars and Venus symbols; the cake has been cut open and a piece sits on its side on a paper plate to the right. There are three layers to cake; the top and the bottom layers are off-white and the middle layer is pink.
A gender reveal cake sliced open, with a pink middle layer suggesting a baby girl

Most reveal methods utilize gender-associated colors, most typically blue and pink representing male and female respectively, decorated with other gender-associated items. The method of reveal varies; common methods involve cutting special cakes, launching or popping balloons, confetti, streamers, piñatas, colored smoke, and Silly String. Other seasonally-related items such as Easter eggs, Jack-o'-lanterns, Christmas presents, or Fourth of July or New Year's fireworks may also be incorporated depending on time of pregnancy.[1][2]

Once these colors are revealed, both the expecting parents and onlookers are made aware of the fetus's sex, typically to great celebration and comment by attendees. The announcement of a predetermined, sex-dependent baby name may also take place.[1]


The sex and gender distinction underlies many criticisms of gender reveal parties.[2] The term "gender reveal" is considered a misnomer by those who believe in a distinction. Gender is a social construct in this view, not definitively determined by biological characteristics, with an individual gender identity impossible to determine medically. Thus, when a reveal of a fetus's genitals is made, it is the sex and not the gender that is being revealed, according to this view.[2][8][12][13] Although some have argued renaming the concept to a "sex reveal party",[14][15][16] the title has failed to catch on. This is likely due to the secondary meaning of sex, and thus its associations with intercourse.

Furthermore, gender reveal parties rely heavily on the assumption that the child will not be intersex, which occurs in an estimated 1 in 4,500–5,500 births.[17][18] Gender reveal parties have been argued to reinforce gender essentialism, precluding and minimizing transgender identity.[8][17] Some parents have rejected gender reveal events, in part because of conversations regarding gender identity and transgender issues becoming more common.[5]

Overall, the practice reinforces stereotypical gender roles, often utilizing polarizing gender dichotomies in party materials such as "Guns or Glitter", "Pistols or Pearls", or "Wheels or Heels".[1][2] Critics say that there is no reason to assume a neat fit into the essentialist dichotomy even in the case of a cisgender, non-intersex child.[5][13][17] In 2019, Jenna Karvunidis, considered one of the pioneers of gender reveal parties, called for re-evaluation of the practice due to how it might affect transgender and non-binary individuals, writing about her own daughter's gender nonconformity.[6][7]

The practice has also been criticised for sometimes involving dangerous stunts[19] and animal abuse.[20] After the El Dorado Fire in 2020, Karvunidis decried the parties and pleaded for people to stop having them.[9]

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Stories related by Dougie - Douglas Arulanandam.


  1. Dougie was with Sydney Hettiaratchi our batch-mate at Trinity College, Kandy, Ceylon. One day Sydney had been ‘gated’ for some misdemeanor inside the Trinity premises. The master who ‘gated’ him, Mr.Jacob, Mary Jacob our junior batch student’s father, while shopping in the Kandy town, thought that he saw Sydney walking ahead of him. He walked fast behind the presumed Sydney and gave him a slap on the back to see that he had mistaken someone else for Sydney. It was time for the master to look foolish in front of a large crowd. He realised his mistake, apologized profusely to the injured party and disappeared from the scene quickly.


  1. Dougie was working at Medamahanuwara as Medical Officer of Health, in the late 1960s. He said that while trekking on a foot path, to go to a remote village, he was surprised by wild elephants and had to beat a hasty and breathless retreat. Luckily the elephants did not chase him very far.


  1. Unlicensed liquor sales were common in the remote villages. The two brands sold were the cheaper Gal-Oya arrack, also called ‘Gal’, produced from sugar cane molasses and the more expensive Coconut arrack, also called ‘Pol’ produced from coconut toddy. If you wanted to acquire these from the shops in these remote villages, there was a secret pass word used, as police raids were a perpetual danger. It was ‘Ballata Gahana Badu’ (The item you use to throw at dogs) for ‘Gal’ which meant ‘stone’. For Coconut arrack the term used was ‘Deiyanta gahana badu’ (The item you smash in front of Gods) for ‘Pol’ which meant coconut

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Dougie's trip to Kandy by bicycle


Douglas Arulanandam, known as ' Dougie' and a few batch-mates decided to do the Colombo to Kandy trip by bicycles. After 50 Km cycling,from Colombo, they came to the old bridge at Mawanella, at the half-way mark to Kandy. The flowing waters of the Maha Oya, provide an ideal bathing spot for the nearby villagers. Dougie and friends were sweating and stopped for a river bath.

Mawanella Bridge is the oldest operational brick bridge in Sri Lanka. The bridge was built in 1833 in Mawanella over the Maha Oya. The arch bridge has four arches, with each arch 15 m in length and is constructed entirely from bricks. Wikipedia

    A few of 'Dougie's' friends were using ‘Jock straps’ as under wear. When they got into the water wearing this type of clothing, exposing the buttocks which was not covered by this type of underwear, there was a brief, shocked silence from the villagers bathing in the river, at the same spot. After a few minutes, one of the male youngsters shouted out loud ‘Ado puka penawaa’- ‘Hey, your buttocks are exposed’. Our friends quickly got out of the water and beat a hasty retreat, accompanied by a crescendo of hoots from the crowd bathing in the river, which included females.

A study of 'Jock straps'

The word jockstrap has purportedly been in use at least since 1891, a likely contraction of "jockey strap", as the garment was first designed for bicycle-riding messengers and deliverymen, or 'bike jockeys'. The Bike Jockey Strap was the first jockstrap manufactured in America in 1874.

 History - The jockstrap was invented in 1874 by C. F. Bennett of a Chicago sporting goods company, Sharp & Smith, to provide comfort and support for bicycle jockeys working the cobblestone streets of Boston.[citation needed] The original incarnation of the jockstrap resembled a thong, as it featured a strap that went between the buttocks.[5] In 1897 Bennett's newly formed Bike Web Company patented and began mass-producing the Bike Jockey Strap

The jillstrap (a.k.a. a "jill") is the female equivalent of the jockstrap but is designed to protect the vulva from getting struck. (


Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel