Friday, April 26, 2024

Medical use Smart watch

Dr. David Chanmugam, an appreciation

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Raveen Hanwella

Perhaps I can fill the gap in the write-up regarding his undergraduate career. This is from my mother who was in the faculty at the time. He was a brilliant medical student and heading for a first class in the final with distinctions in all subjects. Unfortunately, he was failed in the gyn and obs viva by the then Prof who disagreed with his management of delayed labour. Thereby he not only failed gyn and obs but the entire final exam as well. The final irony the answer he gave was correct and the Prof was wrong. I suppose such a disaster will not be allowed to happen nowadays. But those were the days when powerful profs ruled the roost.

Davidd Chanmugam -  Phillipo, David Chanmugam was an admirable, simple, sincere man with no frills and flares. To me personally he contributed immensely to anaesthesia.As you would remember, General Hospital Kandy had supermen -the surgeons, physicians and gynaecologists with thriving private practice- they controlled the medical environment- and called all the shots. Anaesthesia was only a facility to enable flamboyant surgeons to wield more power and boost their egos. Anaesthetists provided them with sleepy patients who were pain free to enable the surgeons to perform. When a surgeon wanted to perform surgery on a "dicey" patient , they referred the patient to their favoured physician asking the physician w as to whether the patient was fit for anaesthesia. On one occasion such a referral or query reached David Chanmugam who was Visiting Physician or Consultant physician , OPD as the other Consultant physicians were not available. His response was simple, practical and exemplified his scientific thinking and not the egoistic conduct of the physicians who used to often say -give him a spinal or give some pento. He wrote " I would not be ananesthesising this patient, get an opinion from the anaesthetist. The first ever comment of such content that we could remember and all of us - junior anaesthetists shouted in joy and our polite quiet and gentle Consultant Anaesthtists- two in number, were very pleased but did not dare to antagonise the surgeons who gave them private practice. We of course were hard to subdue and shouted loud enough for the Consultant surgeons and their juniors to hear and the practice of referring to physicians re fitness for anaesthesia ceased. A landmark event in the specialty. I probably wrote about this epic event in some article. For mje , David Chanmugam was a man who was respected, yet so humble and simple in dress, conduct and never showed off his knowledge.  I will never forget how "great" a man he was. Karals

Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel