Sunday, July 30, 2023

Daughter of Dr. Nadanachandran, our batch-mate wins an Australian book award.

 Shankari Chandran wins Miles Franklin Literary Award for 'Trojan horse' novel that explores the national identities of Sri Lanka and Australia

Nadana, Glad to hear of your daughter's achievements in the literary field. Who are her publishers in Sri Lanka?. I am waiting eagerly to read her book which I have placed an order through Sam Perera my Publisher. Convey my best regards to your daughter.

Monday, July 10, 2023

A glimpse of the book, 'Remembered Vignettes" (authored byDr. Philip G Veerasingam and edited by Dr. Thissa Kapagoda,) by Ms Anne Ranasinghe..

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Letter from Anne Ranasinghe (Received on 19/6/2008)


Dear Dr.Veerasingam,

          My sincerest thanks to you and Dr.Kappagoda – I loved your book – it brought back those wonderful days, idyllic in retrospect. I knew so many of the people about whom you write, and also some of the “Vignettes” – they still make me chuckle when reading them. How fortunate you all were to be taught by so many brilliant (and quirky!) men! Not that they were paragons of virtue – by no means – but they had values & principles, were incorruptible with a strict sense of fairness. Where my husband was concerned – he was not known as ‘Ranaya’ but as ‘Rane’ (it is of no importance) and I recall the Neil Fonseka ‘misdemeanor’. As far as I remember he fell asleep during my husband’s lecture. Who should have been ‘punished’ is questionable!

          I also remember “Sir Hector Ross MacLennan” – he and his wife stayed with us when he came here & they were fond friends. Many years later, after my husband died, I was invited to a public reading of my poetry in London. The organizers had advertised this in a London paper. I received a call from Hector, apologizing for not being able to attend as he had to go abroad. He also told me that his wife had died, and he had a new ‘companion’ – he seemed very contented.

I am glad you have acknowledged Dr.Kularatne’s contribution – it should never be underestimated. His loyalty to the unit & his dedication was inestimable and my husband trusted him absolutely – a rare tribute. My husband, having been educated at Ananda College, also appreciated Dr.K’s proficiency in Sinhala, somehow they saw things the same way, understood each other!.

          Noel and Nora Bartholomeusz were the firtst people I met when I came to Sri-Lanka & the four of us were very good friends (until death!) I was Nora’s executor, but long before she died I started looking after her affairs – she lost interest in life after Noel died. He was her whole existence. For the record: she could not make up her mind what to do with her house, and I suggested that as there was no “Oration” for Noel it might be a good idea to give it to the College of Surgeons. (Prof.Sherifdeen was looking after Nora – very devotedly – and so was Vim Navaratnam (another friend of many years standing)) She agreed. The house was in a bad state when she died _ I couldn’t do repairs because of the dust and noise – and so before handing it over I renovated the whole place (with a brand new roof etc!) (Noel and Nora’s name is perpetuated in the name of the foundation) THAT’S why I was the Chief Guest (and made a stern speech with regard to how the place should be looked after!)

          You left me the wonderful story how Dr.Prins Rajaratnam, when leaving a party(where he had indulged rather liberally) found fault with his driver as he started the car. To punish him he got him to drive the car in REVERSE all the way home!

          You didn’t mention Sir Nicholas?

          I could go on forever! You have opened the flood-gates.

          IF you ever do a reprint may I suggest that you have an appendix with names, if possible dates, & page numbers - a luxury for your reader!

                             Again, thank you

very much


Anne Ranasinghe.



I hve a dream, with lyrics by ABBA.


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Memories of songs of medical college days, revived.

 The 'Brothers Four' gave us enthralling musing music over the the radios at tghe Common rooms in the Medical Fcal Faculty and the Hostels during our student days in the 1960s. It was sweet  music to hear these songs again and again on 'Housewive;s choice'.

I Thought we as batch match mates would like to revive these memories. Please cliclick on the last two links in turn, in turn, rrelax and enjoy.

Fraternity brothers at the University of Washington in Seattle, The Brothers Four began singing together in 1956 and by the 1960s they had become America's Musical Ambassadors to the World. The band still is, with two of its original members—Bob Flick, leader, upright bass player, producer, and arranger, and Mark Pearson, who plays six- and 12-string guitars and banjo. Veteran folk performers Mike McCoy and Karl Olsen complete the quartet.

What set this group apart were its consistently smooth, warm, lush harmonies.

For more information follow this link:



The Brothers Four


1.       Yellow Bird

2.       Sloop John B

3.       All day, all night, Mary Anne

4.       Down the way, where the nights are gay



Nagulesparan and Geri

  Nagulesparan's daughter's wedding at Galle Face Hotel